Will Work For Food?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Deregulators and Creating (really?) Jobs

Interesting article (which does not absolve Democrats, by the way) claiming deregulation has a negative effect on job creation.

The author was a regulator during the savings and loan crisis, which I remember vividly. My parents, middle managers for a bank and a title insurance company, were so badly affected by this crisis that our family was in financial trouble ever since. This put tremendous stress on my parents and may have made Dad die younger than he would have. It made helping me, one seriously ill woman, difficult, and probably had a bad effect on my disease course--hence my not being able to continue my education or have a career. How the actions of unethical people who head the financial industry harm so many us who are not in positions of power is something I believe is important to think about when we make collective decisions about regulation.

From the article:
"Deregulation, desupervision, and de facto decriminalization (the three "des") created the criminogenic environment that drove the modern U.S. financial crises. The three "des" were essential to create the epidemics of accounting control fraud that hyper-inflated the bubble that triggered the Great Recession. "

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Another Split-Second Stop On The Runaway Hate Train

I wish I were surprised. My heart is broken, my mind is sad, but the surprise button remains quiet and hiding in a dark corner.

Many in our country have been fueling fires. Advocating passions and politics of hate. And some of the haters have been moved to voice sometimes veiled, sometimes blatant, calls to arms.

If we were computers. If we could turn off our emotions and our prejudices and what we perceive, rightly or wrongly, to be our self-interests and/or the interests of our nation. Then we could clearly see that the farther we go in the direction of ignoring, sanctioning or even participating in what has become the demonizing of many of our fellow citizens, there will be people who decide to express the anger burning in their hearts by violent means.

Do any of us hate anyone for social or political reasons? Do we seek to fuel that hate, to spread that hate, or mandate that hate?

When we hate, we have complicity in tragedies like this:

I will be writing more about this. But right now I have to allow myself to let my tears flow. My poor country. I wish I could put my arms around it, an angry and frightened child. To cradle it in my arms and whisper calming and loving words about community, safety, tolerance, compromise, coming together, moving to center, renewal and peace.

Anger is part of our human makeup. And it can be channeled in useful and important ways.

But what happened in Tuscon today is not the way.

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An undergrad economics degree was all I could afford. Alas and alack, it did not guarantee me regular meals.

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Except where individually noted, photos for this blog were taken by xbeepx .